Equestrian Therapy Co-op

Equestrian Therapy is horseback riding for individuals with special needs. By combining equestrian techniques with concepts of physical therapy, Equestrian Therapy is practiced in an atmosphere of fun and encouragement. The natural affinity between people and horses is a powerful way of encouraging the students to improve: BALANCE, COORDINATION, MOTOR SKILLS, FOCUS and SELF CONFIDENCE.
In less than fifteen minutes, a walking horse takes a thousand steps. Each step requires the rider to use their muscles and mind to maintain balance and control the horse. Students learn traditional horsemanship skills while participating in games based on physical and occupational therapies.
Almost every person with special needs can benefit from therapeutic riding. Improvements have been observed in students with cerebral palsy, autism, behavioral problems, and other physical and developmental challenges. Riding builds muscle strength, balance, coordination, joint mobility, communication and perceptual skills.
Email us to arrange a visit! equestriantherapy@yahoo.com